I’m a 30-something lawyer working for a fast-growing tech startup. I read a lot. For work and for church and for pleasure.
Lately, I’ve been reading a lot of business books. I used to think they were hokey. Some still are. But there are a few that have started to help me put words around ideas I’ve had since I walked into my first economics class as a freshman at Brigham Young University.
These ideas have been influenced by so much that I’ve read. Everything from Victor Hugo to J.R.R. Tolkien to Jeffrey R. Holland to Milton Friedman.
Over the next year, I hope to sketch out a vision that can change the way we live and do business. They’re not new ideas, they’re not even all my ideas. I’m just hoping that maybe I can put them together somewhere where you can look at them all together—take them down and work with them—and see what I see.