There are, for the most part, two kinds of thinkers.
Whether it’s because they’re content to quarterback the game from their armchairs, or because fear of the unknown stops them, or simply because they never thought of doing more, some thinkers never really get past the thinking stage.
Changing the way we do business isn’t going to happen if we don’t just get to work. There are always a hundred reasons why we’re not ready. And really, we’re never ready. We’re going to have to make some of it up along the way.
The most important thing is to be doing. Doing what we say and doing what we mean. We don’t need anyone else to do this for us and there’s really no secret to it. All we need is to start looking out for others as much—or more—as we look out for ourselves.
So let’s change the way we do business.
I liked it, but I loved the end when you said “I’m out to change the world. And that’s crazy.”
Love ya,